DBGT Games

As far as I know, there is only one DBGT GBZ game: Dragonball GT Transformation. But its sequel is about to come out I think(DBGT Transformation 2). Click here for the walkthrough for Transformation 1.

Click for larger image







Health and Energy codes

Enter these codes at anytime during gameplay.

Code Effect Down, Up, Right. Right, Right, Left, Right, Left. B Refill Energy



Unlockble Characters

You can unlock characters by pressing some buttons!!:P

Note: Press it on the main menu
(when you press the code for the character the character you press before that will gone)

Code Effect Super Saiyan 4 Goku Left, Right, Left Right, Down, Down, Down, B Super Saiyan Vegeta Left, Right, Left Right, Up, Down, Down, B
Super Saiyan Kid Goku Left, Right, Left Right, Up, Up, Up, B








Perform the task in order to unlock the thing specified after it.

Unlockable How to Unlock Boss Endurance Mode Buy for 4000 zenie on the store Endurance Mode Buy for 2000 zenie on the store
Hard Difficulty Mode Buy for 1000 zenie on the store
Multiplayer Endurance Mode Buy for 2000 zenie on the store
Music Test Mode Buy for 2000 zenie on the store
Portrait Gallery Mode Buy for 2000 zenie on the store
Sayan Difficulty Mode Buy for 8000 zenie on the store
Sound Effect Test Mode Buy for 1000 zenie on the store
SS Goku Character Buy for 2000 zenie on the store
SS4 Goku Character Buy for 4000 zenie on the store

Contributed By: gogetsurahul



Easy Zenie

Play through Rudeeze until you reach the boss. After you destroy his stinger, he will be unable to attack you from a distance. At this point, simply charge your ki meter and fire a special attack at him. It won’t cause any damage, but you should get about 30,000 points or so for doing this. Continue doing so and you should quickly gain a large amount of points, and in turn, get zenie.

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